terrajockey, In layman's terms...

Think of puzzle pieces. They help you build a puzzle. Except, what if the same puzzle pieces allow you to build hundreds and thousands of different puzzles. terrajockey gives you exactly that! It generates reusable building blocks of terraform code that allows you to build complex infrastructure stacks.

How does it help me?
If you are an enterprise already using Terraform or embarking on your cloud journey with Terraform, you need DRY modules. What exactly are the DRY modules? It's reusable terraform code. Developing reusable code modules is a mundane task. It takes time and effort to perfect it. terrajockey does this for you and more ! 🎉

Looking for the JSON API code generator?
To learn more head on to codejockey.io.

💰 Pricing
$40 per module (Resource or Data Source)
Enterprise license: sales@codejockey.io

🐞 Squash that bug or 💡 a New Feature Request
Help us squash them bugs. To report a bug or request a new feature, open a github issue.

Questions or Comments?
Reach out to support@codejockey.io. We'd be happy to help!
🚀 During beta release, we are shipping modules on demand. Reach out to Sales. 🚀

🤯 KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid 🤯
Made with 💖 by codejockey.io